- Use the apt manager to update the kernel 。Search the specific kernel version and headers:
$ sudo apt-cache search linux-image-*
$ sudo apt-cache search linux-headers-*
。After installing the specific kernel, update the Grub2
$ sudo update-grub
sudo apt install fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev xz-utils libssl-dev bc flex libelf-dev bison -y
$ uname -a
$ sudo cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
$ cp arch/x86/configs/x86_64_defconfig .config
$ make menuconfig
$ make savedefconfig
。build code and install the new kernel
$ make -j8
$ make modules -j8
$ sudo make modules_install
$ sudo make install
。After installing the specific kernel, update the Grub2$ sudo update-grub
1. BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available
$ sudo apt install dwarves
2. /bin/sh: zstd: command not found
$ sudo apt install zstd
3. CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_KEY="cert/xxxtest.pem"
in Kernel_path/
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout certs/xxxtest.pem -out certs/xxxtest.pem -nodes -days 3650