BinaryGap Find longest sequence of zeros in binary representation of an integer.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //#define DEBUG_ENV #ifdef DEBUG_ENV #define DEB(fmt,args...) printf(fmt ,##args) #else #define DEB(fmt,args...) #endif #define RANGE 2048<<1 int solution(int n) { int i=0; int sf=0, ef=0; //start flag, end flag int count=0, group=0; int longest_count=0; for(i=RANGE;i;i>>=1) { if(sf) { if(!(i&n)) //0 count++; if(i&n) //1 ef=1; } if (ef) { ++group; if (count==0) --group; else DEB("sf=%d, ef=%d, count=%d, group=%d\n", sf, ef, count, group); longest_count=((longest_count)>(count)?(longest_count):(count)); count=0; sf=0; ef=0; } if(i&n) //1 sf=1; } return longest_count; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i=0, n=0; int ret=0; if(argc <2 || argc >2) { printf("Enter a positive integeer N\n"); return -1; } sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &n); #ifdef DEBUG_ENV printf("RANGE=%d\n", RANGE); for(i=RANGE;i;i>>=1) printf(i&n?"1":"0"); printf("\n"); #endif ret=solution(n); printf("binary gap of length is:%d\n", ret); return 0; }
./c 553
sf=1, ef=1, count=3, group=1
sf=1, ef=1, count=1, group=2
sf=1, ef=1, count=2, group=3
binary gap of length is:3